A teacher is not just a teacher. He is a mentor, a personal counselor, a life time coach as well as a anchor which helps his students to climb the cliffs of life.
He not just teaches us, he inspires up and moreover he gives us an insight of the subject, a insight of the life.
He is a source of wisdom not just knowldge.
I bow at the feet of teachers Anjikar Madam, Khandkar Madam, Shembekar sir, Pendharkar sir, Dias madam, Digraskar sir, MM Joishi sir and Gandhe sir and Khare sir.
He not just teaches us, he inspires up and moreover he gives us an insight of the subject, a insight of the life.
He is a source of wisdom not just knowldge.
I bow at the feet of teachers Anjikar Madam, Khandkar Madam, Shembekar sir, Pendharkar sir, Dias madam, Digraskar sir, MM Joishi sir and Gandhe sir and Khare sir.