Monday, September 6, 2010

Teacher's day!

Yesterday was 6th September and students of my class celebrated belated teacher's day! BBA final year class is as usual a very happening and joyful and live class. You can find all .. respect, love as well as naughtiness in their eyes. There was a big cake and all related teachers were invited to cut the cake. For the whole day they were in a mood of celebration. quite emotional touch, flowers, greetings, chocolates etc. They asked me to sing a song so I tried to sing two lines of Mukesh. Song by Prasoon, story by Afzal and thoughts by Saurabh Heda were nice. Rahul & Swati mimed Chaitanya sir very well. I wonder why they could not perform my mimicry in front of me ? Well. You just can't know how and what the students think!

I feel nice being a teacher and adds much responsibility to me as a person.

I have started writing this blog today and would probably write with only three basic threads :
1. Honesty
2. Passion for teaching
3. simplicity.

Somebody has rightly said " It is difficult to be simple".
So. . . bye for today!



  1. YOU sang really well sir..."jeena issi ka naam hai" is 1 of my favorite song. We couldn't celebrate it on a large scale but still enjoyed a lot. Thanks for the cooperation sir.

  2. Oh im really sorry, i missed it... how unlucky.


  3. Do not worry. We will enjoy during Industrial tour. May more songs and stories to come.
